When Morgen laid all her clothes out I knew it was going to be a great shoot! I love bold colors and I love stripes and I love leggings and she had all three! A bright bold location was just yearning to be paired with the bright pink so we packed up and headed out for a night shoot. Across the street from a used car lot, this tiny yellow building quickly became a point of interest for multiple car salesmen as they casually inched their way closer and closer to to watch the shoot unfold. But then a random pedestrian stumbles across the busy four lanes of traffic on Main Street and the police and an ambulance are quick on the scene, really quick on the scene actually. We can't really be sure what happened to the pedestrian, but I'm pretty certain he wasn't hit or anything major, but with an ever growing group of emergency vehicles on one side, and a beautiful girl on the other the salesmen were in quandary - their solution? To wander back and forth across both corners of the car lot trying to ascertain which was more interesting. It was highly amusing but we nailed the shot, picked up and left leaving them yearning for more. Sorry boys but we had an abandoned barn to visit!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Stripes and Sirens
Posted byJake Garn Photography
at1:47 AM