Assistantless, due to my assistant being a slacker, Carli and I set off on our own to shoot at some of my favorite locations, one of which recently burned to the ground. After shooting in the ashes we moved on to the white barn, only to notice that poor Carli was literally covered in black charcoal smears! Ooops. I guess that's what happens when you make someone stand in a giant pile of ash for close to 20 minutes! So, I told her to do her best to wipe off the little amount on her face and oops again, I forgot to tell her to first clean off her hands... now it was much, much worse. I ran to the car for a water bottle and a towel and came back to help her get cleaned up, but by the time we took care of it the sun was practically set. So the remainder of the shoot (everything in a white tank-top) was literally shot in very dark to pitch dark conditions. Of all the days to not have an assistant... but I think we pulled it off wonderfully
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Posted byJake Garn Photography
at11:57 AM